Сonstruction and installation of signalling devices (signalling, centralization, interlocking and communication)
- Construction of main fiber-optic links;
- Construction of data transfer systems;
- Construction of mobile and fixed radio systems;
- Construction of video surveillance systems, park load speaker communication.
Signalling, centralization, interlocking
- Construction and reconstruction of relay and microprocessor systems of railway automation and teleautomatics (BMPC, MPC, AB, KEB);
- Construction of dispatch rooms (DC EBILock-950, DC «Neman»);
- Construction of Train separation (collision avoidance) systems for train traffic (SIRDP);
- Control system KTSM, KGU, UKSPS, pavement signalling.
Energy development
- Construction of overhead power lines with the voltage of 10 kV and 0.4 kV;
- Construction of transformer sub-stations of 10 kV/0.4 kV;
- Construction of power supply points for automatic blocking and longitudinal power supply of railways;
- Construction and reconstruction of railway catenaries;
- Construction of autotransformer sub-station with the voltage of 25kV for electrified railways;
- Construction of cable lines of 0.4 kV and 10kV;
- Installation of ASKUE (automated record of electricity) system;
- Teleautomation of power supply devices.