Construction of Railways
Integra Construction KZ Company provides the following types of services in the field of construction of main and siding railway tracks.
- Track panel assembly (all types of fittings) on our own string assembly shops;
- Cutting of shoulder and levelling of subgrade with usage of a motor-driven grader and bulldozers;
- Cleaning out of fouled ballast;
- Track panel laying (according to a detailed design);
- Laying of new crushed-stone ballast on track (track ballasting) according to a detailed design with usage of our own hopper cars;
- Track alignment with usage of hydraulic and lever-type devices;
- Track lifting and putting on crushed-stone ballast with usage of our own ELB-3 electric ballasting machine, primarily tamped and aligned by VPO-3000 machine, and manually in places with obstructions and engineering structures, and further works are made by DGS complex, Duomatic, PBR ballasting machine;
- Finishing works;
- Laying of crossing deck;
- Ditches cleaning out;
- Painting and installation of track signs;
- Equalizing of ballast section with intertrack space levelling;
- Installation of pedestals of wooden sleepers for kilometer-based provisional rails, picket and kilometer signs;
- Assembly and laying of turnouts (according to detailed design);
- Geonet laying.