Environmental Protection

Policy in the field of environment protection
The environmental protection policy (hereinafter referred to as EPP) in Integra Construction KZ LLP (hereinafter referred to as the Partnership) is guided by the requirements of the ISO 14001 international standard of Environmental management systems. Requirements and Application Guidance.
The main provisions and goals of the Partnership provide for mandatory observance at all levels of management of the legislative acts on environmental protection in force in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as its own guidance documents on issues the solution of which is not regulated by legislative or regulatory acts.
Environmental protection policy applies to all activities of the Partnership in the Republic of Kazakhstan and in other states. It complies with other Policies in force in the Partnership and is an integral part of the management system. This Policy is open and accessible to all interested parties.
The main intention in the field of environmental protection: To comply with international standards in the field of environmental protection.
The environmental policy is in line with the objectives and environment of the Partnership, creates the basis for setting environmental goals, and includes a commitment to protect the environment.
Goals of the Partnership in environmental policy are:
- the minimum possible negative impact on the environment;
- preservation of the environment.
This environmental policy is implemented by:
- recognition of the constitutional human right to a healthy environment;
- commitment of the Partnership’s management to the goals of increasing the level of environmental protection;
- carrying out its activities in accordance with the requirements of international standards, current environmental laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and current internal documents;
- continuous improvement of the level of knowledge and professional qualifications of all employees of the Partnership, fostering a sense of responsibility for compliance with environmental safety requirements;
- formation of a stable conscious attitude of the Partnership’s staff and contractors to the quality issues of environmental protection;
- reducing the impact on the environment by searching and implementing the best, from an environmental and economic point of view, technologies, optimizing operation processes, identifying and preventing potential emergencies;
- minimization of negative impacts on the environment from operational and other activities;
- identifying environmental aspects and ways to eliminate them or reduce the impact on the environment;
- systematic analysis of the environmental situation with the adoption of necessary corrective and preventive measures;
- introduction of the best world practices, international standards, contributing to the improvement of environment;
- desire to work without causing damage to environment and rationally use natural and energy resources;
- continuous improvement of the condition and prevention of environmental pollution;
- ensuring the openness and availability of objective, scientifically grounded information on impact of the enterprise on environment and health of personnel and population in the areas where the enterprise is located;
- reducing the volume of accumulation of industrial and domestic waste and environmentally safe handling;
- improving the structure of environmental management in accordance with international standards, current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on environmental protection and regulations of state bodies of supervision and control.
Top management of the Partnership is committed to:
- fulfill the above assumed obligations;
- constantly improve the environmental management system to improve the environmental protection of the Partnership.