Policy in the field of health and safety
The policy in the field of health and safety (hereinafter - OHS) applies to all activities of Integra Construction KZ LLP (hereinafter - the Partnership) in the Republic of Kazakhstan and in other states. It complies with other Partnership Policies and is an integral part of our management system.
The OHS policy of the Partnership defines the general principles of ensuring the health, safety and labor protection of all employees by preventing work-related injuries, deterioration of health, diseases and incidents, and demonstrates the Partnership's commitment to successful management in the field of safety and health. In its activities, the Partnership is guided by the principles of ensuring safe working conditions, health protection and respect for population of regions where the Partnership operates.
Mission: Continuous work on identification and minimization of risks to life and health of the Partnership's employees, employees of contractors and everyone located on the territory of the Partnership's facilities.
Vision: The Partnership is constantly working to improve the culture of occupational safety, to form a conscious attitude of employees to safety issues, to identify the sources of danger and to correct hazardous actions and conditions, assigning a leading role in this process to managers of all levels, studying and applying the best practices in the field of occupational health and safety.
Goal: Eliminate accidents and achieve leading positions in key indicators in the field of occupational safety and health, continuously improve safety standards, create a basis for setting and analyzing OHS goals, bring to the attention of all persons who work under control of the organization in order to notify of their personal OHS responsibilities.
This OHS policy is implemented by:
- leading roles of managers at all levels in the process of improving the safety management system at work;
- formation of a stable conscious attitude of the Partnership's employees and contractors to health and safety issues;
- developing among all employees the skills to identify sources of danger, knowledge of possible negative consequences and necessary safety measures, their conscious and consistent observance;
- continuous improvement of the safety level at work, taking into account the experience of leading companies and the implementation of best practices;
- constant control by managers over the actions of employees, encouraging correct work practices and immediate response to possible violations, and dangerous actions / conditions;
- learning from negative events, identifying root causes and implementing preventive measures to prevent recurrence.
- integration of safety issues at the operation of the Partnership into all aspects of operation activities and into the processes of making management decisions;
- compliance with the requirements of state regulatory documents, as the minimum mandatory conditions for safe work, study and application of the best industry and world practices, as part of the process of continuous improvement;
- involvement of all employees in the process of increasing the level of safety at work, the process of identifying sources of danger and taking measures that reduce the risk to human health and life;
- openness and availability of indicators in the field of occupational safety and health;
- continuous improvement of the health and safety management system.
- to reduce the level of risk to life and health of employees in the course of their labor activity;
- to constantly improve and control the level of knowledge and skills of employees in issues of occupational safety and health;
- to follow the principles of continuous improvement and increasing the level of protection of employees;
- to introduce new methods of improvement of labor safety management systems and reducing the level of accidents and injuries;
- to increase the importance of health and safety issues in the work of managers and specialists at operation.
We strive to take a leading position in the construction and repair of railways and highways, and assume the following obligations that apply to all employees, contractors of the Partnership:
- we undertake to comply with the requirements of the current laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other states, international standards and rules in the field of occupational safety and health and comply, where possible, with more stringent requirements established by the Partnership independently;
- we strive to constantly improve the efficiency of the Occupational Safety Management System. We are committed to ensuring the safety and health of our employees by preventing accidents and occupational diseases, as well as seeking ways to minimize the impact of our facilities on the environment and human health through the use of advanced technologies and equipment, implementation of operational control, internal audits and maintaining a high level equipping of our facilities with anti-emergency forces and means;
- we declare that risks associated with the impact of the Partnership's facilities on the health of our employees, contractors' personnel, visitors, population is systematically analyzed, constantly reduced and form the basis for an integrated approach to the management of operation processes, design, construction and logistics. We maintain close relationships with our suppliers and contractors so that they share our approach and act in accordance with the standards and norms adopted by the Partnership;
- we declare that the results of our work in the field of occupational health and safety are open and transparent to all interested parties.
- we undertake to consult with the employees of the Partnership and their representatives in the OHS activities and to involve them in active participation in all elements of the OHS management system.
The partnership is well aware that the most valuable thing is the life and health of employees. In this regard, managers of the Partnership support and develop the most promising areas that make a concrete contribution to the development of safe operation activities. Management of the Partnership undertakes to provide measures for implementation of this Policy.