
Integrated management system policy
Policy of Integra Construction KZ LLP (further – Partnership) in the field of quality management systems, health, safety and environment (hereinafter - IMS) is to constantly improve the quality of services provided, and is aimed at creating a safe working environment in order to prevent injuries, incidents and reducing environmental impact.
Objectives of the InCon KZ policy in the field of IMS are:
- no harm to people, property and environment;
- protection of health, safety of personnel and environment;
- ensuring safety of the operation process and trouble-free operation of equipment;
- high-quality satisfaction of requirements and expectations of customers.
Achievement of the set goals is ensured by:
- participation of all personnel in ensuring the effectiveness of IMS processes based on personal responsibility of each employee for the quality of work performed and services provided;
- compliance of the Partnership’s activities and the quality of work performed and services rendered to legislative and other applicable requirements;
- ensuring customer satisfaction with the quality of work performed and services rendered that best meet their requirements;
- monitoring and managing the process of continuous improvement of quality of operation activities by setting key indicators;
- leading role of managers at all levels in the process of improving the safety management system at operation;
- a high level of personnel competence and the availability of a sufficient number of trained, qualified personnel for the safe implementation of operation processes through continuous improvement of the personnel training system;
- formation of a stable conscientious attitude of the Partnership’s staff and contractors to the issues of quality, labor protection and the environment;
- development of skills to identify sources of danger, knowledge of possible negative consequences and necessary safety measures, their conscious and consistent observance among all personnel;
- continuous improvement of safety level at work, taking into account the experience of leading companies and implementation of best practices;
- constant control by managers over the actions of personnel, encouragement of correct work practices and immediate response to possible violations and dangerous actions / conditions;
- use of advanced technologies and equipment, implementation of operational and environmental control, internal inspections and maintenance of a high level of equipping facilities with emergency forces and means;
- conducting a systematic analysis and minimization of risks associated with the impact of results of the Partnership's activities on the health of the Partnership’s personnel, personnel of contractors, visitors, population and environment, the quality of work performed and services provided, as well as the formation of an integrated approach to the management of production processes, design, construction and logistics;
- minimizing the impact on environment by searching and introducing the best, from an environmental and economic point of view, technologies, optimizing operation processes, identifying and preventing potential emergencies;
- striving to work without causing damage to the environment and rational use of natural and energy resources;
- ensuring information openness to personnel, customers, contractors, participants, partners, government agencies and the public.
Management of the Partnership undertakes to implement this Policy and to provide resources, create a professional, innovative atmosphere for continuous improvement of IMS of the Partnership.