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Gaining momentum
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Gaining momentum

Railway track overhaul plan of Integra Construction KZ is fulfilled 113,6% within the last month. We are being proactive due to the labour of the Southern, Northern and Western Directorates!

In total, with planned 44.9 km in May, we actually renewed 51 km of railways for Almaty, Karaganda, Mangistau, Kyzylorda and Kostanay operating divisions. Excellent result!

Contractual obligations before the employer are performed to the full extent. And in place of the aged railway, new steel track is being constructed. It should be noted, that from the commencement of works along the Integra Construction KZ line, 67 track possessions were conducted. Height of the season and new sections are yet to come.

We wish success to the teams of all directorates!

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